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Great night at the BBQ

Friday night's BBQ was a great success with more than 90 people attending the event. It was good to see so many people sharing, not only a meal but stories, culture and traditions. It was also good to see some Australians there, despite the footy finales; and lots of kids dancing and playing outside while the adults were cooking sausages on the barbecue!

The food was fantastic with a great variety of French food, salads, cheeses and cakes...thanks to everyone's contribution. Not too mention the Yummy BBQ!

We would like to thank everyone for coming. We trust you all enjoyed and we hope to see you all again at the next event.

A special thank you to everyone who helped with promoting and coordinating the BBQ, notably Jean-Claude, Guitou, Anne, Charles, Franck, Natasha, Anne-Eline, and everyone else who assisted on the night.

See you all at our Open Day Picnic on Saturday 1st of October ! Stay tuned for details!

If you can't make it, you can always join us every Friday nights at Lake Monger for our weekly catch ups and pétanque games!

A bientôt!

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